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What is double-sided?
   Edit:   Browse:1759  Date:2014-06-10 

Double-sided circuit boards are thin, thin circuit boards, printed circuit boards, printed circuit boards, Kunshan board, special circuit boards, special circuit board, pcb, circuit board, flexible circuit boards, flexible boards, flexible boards, flexible circuit boards, flexible circuit boards, aluminum circuit boards, PCB board, circuit boards, circuit board, PCB MILL, aluminum plate, high-frequency board, PCB double-pane (Double-Sided Boards) of wiring on both sides . However, to use on both sides of the wire must be between the two sides have the proper electrical connection down. This circuit between the "bridge" called the pilot hole (via). Pilot hole in the PCB, full of holes or painted metal, which can be connected to the wire on both sides. Because the double-sided single-sided area than twice as big, and because the wiring can be interleaved with each other (you can go around the other side), it is more suitable for use in more complex than single-sided circuit.

Strictly speaking double-sided circuit board is a very important one PCB board, his purpose is great to see a board is not a double-sided PCB board is very simple, I believe that friends know of a single panel is completely grasp the dual panel is an extension of single panel, meaning that a single panel of the line is not enough in order to go to the back of double-sided there is an important feature is to have vias. Simply put, it is a double-sided alignment, both sides have a line! One is generous including: double-sided board traces is double-sided! Some friends would ask such a double-sided board traces, but only one side of electronic parts, such as plates in the end is a two-panel or single panel it? The answer is obvious, such a board is double-sided, double-sided sheet only installed on a part of it.

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