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Features Single panel
   Edit:   Browse:4854  Date:2014-06-10 
Single-sided printed circuit board in the early 1950s with the advent of the transistor and the United States as the center of development out of the product, which was mainly the direct method of making copper foil etching method for the mainstream. 1953 to 1955, Japan’s imports of copper for the first time made use paper phenolic CCL, and widely used in radio terms. In 1956, after the Japanese circuit board manufacturers appear professional, single-panel manufacturing technology then rapidly progress. In terms of material, early in paper phenolic CCL-based, but when the phenolic low electrical insulation materials, solder heat resistance poor, twisting and other factors, one after another paper ring gas resin, glass epoxy resin and other materials to be development, currently required for consumer electronics machinery single panel, almost in paper phenolic substrate sheet.

Single panel is in the most basic PCB, parts focused on one side of the wire is concentrated on the other side. Because the wire only in one side, so we call this PCB is called a single panel (Single-sided). Because there are many single-panel strict restrictions (because only one side, and the path between the wires can not cross alone have to go around) in the design of the line, so only early before the use of such a circuit board; single-sided printed wiring pattern with network (Screen Printing) mainly on the copper surface that is printed on the resist, and then etched to mark printed on the solder resistance, and finally accomplished in punching parts and appearance vias. In addition, some small variety of products, the use of a photosensitive resist patterned photographically.
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